Junior Sailing Programs

Enroll Early

Please review the course offerings below, in efforts of finding the right match for your child. We advise reading through all the options, prior to completing the Registration Form. With limited seating available, we advise enrolling early, to ensure class placement. Once a class has reached capacity, a Waitlist will be implemented. Registration will close on May 1st; a late fee will apply after this date.

                                                        REGISTER HERE

We look forward to seeing everyone this summer!

Class Descriptions

Taste of Sailing: 9:00-12:00 PM  Wednesdays

An introductory course to the world of sailing. This program is designed for seven to nine year olds, who are interested in getting a 'taste' of sailing. This light-hearted, fun class gives students the opportunity to sail in a variety of different boat classifications: optis, c420s, and WH-15s. Taste of Sailing is a prerequisite course to our Beginner OPTI I program. Recommended 1-2 years of participation. Must be able to swim without the aid of a flotation device.

OPTI I: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM 

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday

This beginner program is designed for students ages eight+; up to 4 years of sailing experience (not including taste); have not participated in regattas. It is recommended that students successfully complete 1-2 years of "Taste of Sailing" prior to joining the Beginner Class program (or instructor approval). This beginner class introduces students to the basics of sailing, with an emphasis on fun and safety. Students will learn: parts of the boat; how to steer, tack, and jibe; recover from a capsize; and other basic water safety skills. The goal of Opti I is to build confidence about boat handling. 

Opti II: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday

After successfully completing the Beginner Opti I program, the next step in the WHYC Junior Sailing program is this Intermediate Opti Morning Class. Designed for those whom have had 3-5 years of sailing experience. This class is designed to strengthen a student’s basic knowledge of sailing, paired with boat handing, and an introduction to racing (upwind sailing, the triangle course, starts, rounding marks, using the tiller extension, sitting on the rail, basic rules, and getting out of irons quickly).

Opti III: 1:00 to 4:00 PM 

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday

The Intermediate builds directly off of the classroom of Opti 2 and expands upon introduction to racing. Ideally suited for students, who have participated in Green fleet regattas and want to strengthen their racing skills, in a fun-lighthearted classroom. Students should be comfortable with practicing in heavier air conditions. Focus will be on gaining confidence in the boat, mastering boat handing, introduction to tactics and racing strategy.

Opti IV Racing: 1:00 to 4:00 PM

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday

Opti 4 is the WHYC Advanced Opti Racing Class. This class is for students, who have had five years (minimum) of sailing experience; participate regularly in regattas; exhibit excellence in boat handling. Focus will be on fine tuning boat handling, racing strategy, and handling heavy wind sailing. Participating in local ECSA regattas is encouraged. 


Beginner and Intermediate 420 Sailing:

1:00 to 4:00 PM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday

This joint class is focused on boat handling, while being introduced to competitive 420 racing. Intermediate 420 Sailing places emphasis on mastering c420 sailing under a variety of conditions and situations. Concepts include fine tuning, sailing upwind with strategy, racing, and rounding marks. Both Beginner and Intermediate 420 sailors will be introduced to spinnaker and trapeze work. This class is designed for students with 1-3 years of 420 sailing experience. 

Advanced 420 Sailing and Team Racing 

1:00 to 4:00 PM 
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 

This curriculum will introduce strategy for short course racing, advanced sailing, team racing rules, nuances of sail trim, use of weight and positioning for benefit. There will be opportunities for team and individual racing. Attendance at local ECSA events is strongly encouraged as well as participation in area Race weeks and Class Nationals. Students should have a minimum of two years of 420 sailing experience; participate regularly in regattas and Team Racing; and have mastered spinnaker and trapeze work. Please anticipate travel opportunities for this Program.